This week sees the launch of Bristol’s new Drug and Alcohol Strategy
Bristol City Council describe the strategy as ‘A four-year plan to reduce the impacts drug and alcohol use have on individuals, families and communities’
The new Drug and Alcohol Strategy for Bristol 2021-2025 aims to prioritise prevention and support the development of a city where everyone has the right to physical health and mental wellbeing, safe from the harms of alcohol and other drugs.
The plan has been developed in collaboration with organisations from across Bristol, with input from several national groups. Partners have included local NHS partners, the Bristol Drugs Project, Golden Key, Hawkspring, One 25 and Youth Moves.
A copy of the Drug and Alcohol Strategy for Bristol 2021-2025 can be found on the council website.
You can find signposting and support for drug and/or alcohol use on the Well Aware site. Click here.