If you are looking for work and have a learning difficulty or learning disability, or you are autistic, We Work for Everyone can help.
The ‘We Work for Everyone’ programme can help if you are facing barriers to learning, accessing training or further education and getting a job (this could include: struggling to concentrate, remembering things or interacting with other people).
Find out more by clicking here or making contact below:
Email: weworkforeveryone@southglos.gov.uk
Telephone: 01454 863172
They will help you to:
● find a career that’s right for you
● access training, qualifications and work placements
● access supported internships (ages 18 to 25)
● create a CV and learn interview skills
● access computer equipment and IT support
Who can take part?
To be eligible you must:
● live in the West of England: Bristol, Bath and North East
Somerset, South Gloucestershire, and North Somerset
● be over 16
● not be in employment
● have a learning difficulty or learning disability, or be autistic
(a formal diagnosis is not essential)