Care Quality Commission (CQC) Directory
If you want to find or compare care homes, home care agencies, hospitals, GPs, dentists or other care services, you can use the search on this page to get the information you need.
Bristol Mind ‘Useful Information’ Directory
Bristol Mind has collected information on local organisations and resources that may be able to help with Mental Health and other related issues.
Scope Disability Information Directory
Scope has a brilliant online resource list, and its community forum is a vibrant and supportive space to get advice and information and talk to people with similar experiences.
Complementary Therapy Directory
This directory promotes the benefits of complementary therapy and aims to give visitors all the information they need to help them make an informed decision about whether therapy would be right for them. The website has an FAQ’s section, a number of useful articles written by our members and the facility to search for a practitioner in your area.
Counselling Directory
Counselling Directory is an online directory that explains the different types of counselling and approaches used to help people find a counselling service near them.
Healthy Ageing Directory for older people – South Gloucestershire
The Healthy Ageing Directory for older people is about being physically active, eating healthily and having an active mind are all effective ways to help us to stay healthy as we grow older. Here, you can learn about an array of activities in South Gloucestershire that you can get involved in.
Life Coach Directory
Life Coach Directory is a website that helps people to find a life coach nearby. The site only lists life coaches who are registered with a recognised professional body or those who have provided copies of their qualifications and insurance cover.
Macmillian Cancer support learning zone
Free learning resources, online courses, and professional development tools from Macmillan Cancer Support.